[Sponsored] Itching, Wheezing, and Trouble Swallowing: Connecting the Dots on Symptoms of Inflammation


We thank Sanofi and Regeneron® for their sponsorship of this blog post to help people learn about conditions caused in part by type 2 inflammation. This is a sponsored post and is not an endorsement of any company or its products, nor is it a guarantee of a product’s safety. The funding we received for this sponsorship helps support our free asthma and allergy programs. One of the many ways our immune system can protect us from infection is by creating inflammation to fight off the body’s…

Lesen Sie weiter auf: [Sponsored] Itching, Wheezing, and Trouble Swallowing: Connecting the Dots on Symptoms of Inflammation
Quelle: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Titelbild/Grafik by Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)

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